We had a wonderful day together on Tuesday 5 September!
We gathered all the staff teams from across Oxfordshire Community Churches, for a day of worship, prayer and training together.
We started with coffee and pastries, and were excellently served by a team from Witney Community Church. This was a chance to connect with people and meet new additions to the staff team.
We then welcomed all those who have been added to the team over the last year (there were many!), before worshipping together. This led into a time of hearing updates from, and praying into the different areas of the organisation. You can watch the recording of the morning here.
This was followed by lunch all together, generously prepared by the Edge Housing Team. After lunch, The King’s School staff disappeared off for some specific training, and everyone else stayed for a Safeguarding briefing.
If you were unable to attend the Safeguarding briefing, or if you have a dual role with the school and missed it, please catch up here.
We finished the day with Line Manager’s training for those who are involved in managing others.
Watch the session here, and download the Job Description exercise here.
We hope you found the day enjoyable and useful. We are already looking forward to next year!